Saturday, October 23, 2021

Doesn't surprise me, but the 'feminists' will lose their minds over it

The subject being women committing rape, or 'sexual assault' in the current definition.
Critics tend to dismiss these as trivial, suggesting that the men involved should just "man up." But, of course, there's no reason to think that such coercion is any more trivial where men are concerned than where women are concerned, unless you believe that women are such fragile flowers that they cannot possibly withstand things that men are supposed to ignore.

It will be interesting to see how college disciplinary boards handle this. If, in light of the data, women exhibit a similar predilection for sexual misbehavior to men, then surely the colleges should be punishing roughly as many women as men for such conduct. If they are not, the only possible explanation is some form of institutional sexism. That should be good news for Title IX attorneys, at any rate.

Finally, all this talk of rape on campus must be making college enrollment officers — already having trouble filling seats — even more nervous. Telling female students that they have a one-in-five chance of being raped (even if it's not true) isn't going to make them, or their parents, more likely to spend six-figure sums sending them to college. It might even push them toward online alternatives, as a YouTube parody video suggests.

With rape rates actually falling sharply, the current moral panic over campus rape seems more like political agitprop and mass hysteria than anything else. Like all such, this, too, will pass. But it will also do damage along the way. May reason assert itself sooner, rather than later.

Fat chance.  The leftist 'feminists' see it as too useful a tool for attacking men, they'll fight tooth & nail to keep men from being listed as victims.

1 comment:

  1. Meh. Without insertion into the victim, it STILL isn't RAPE.
    Check out the new definition, and check Karen Straughan on Youtube at Girl writes What?!
    What the big print giveth, the small print still taketh away.
