Thursday, October 21, 2021

Can you say 'collusion', boys and girls?

The country's largest school board association collaborated with the Biden White House before sending a controversial letter calling on the FBI to investigate parents as potential domestic terrorists, according to previously unreported emails.

The emails, obtained by Parents Defending Education through public records requests and reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon, reveal that the National School Board Association's president and CEO sent the letter to Biden on Sept. 29 without approval from the organization's board. The letter said that the acts of some parents at school board meetings across the country could be considered "a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes."

The emails also show that the White House asked the association for examples of threats against school board members days before Attorney General Merrick Garland created a task force of officials from the FBI and the Justice Department to determine how to prosecute alleged crimes at school board meetings.

Isn't that just wonderful?

Take note of the wording here by some other members of this group:
Halkias said that he and other board members would not have likely approved the letter, which he said "used terms that were extreme, and asked for action by the Federal Government that many of us would not request."

Viola Garcia, the president of the association, and Chip Slaven, the CEO, disclosed in other emails to the board that they had been in consultation with the White House and the Department of Education regarding an alleged rise in cases of irate parents showing up to school board meetings.

'would not have LIKELY'.  Isn't that a nice, open-ended word?  And Marx knows you can't have a bunch of irate parents showing up and getting in the way; why, they might prevent you from turning their kids into PC racists!

It remains unclear whether the White House pressured the Department of Justice to create the school board task force.
It's friggin Merrick Garland, he probably loved the idea.

Despite his many faults, McConnell kept this asshole off the Supreme Court.


  1. Anonymous2:21 AM

    That's the one thing that I can think of that McConnell did right.

  2. The commie left may be crappy at math, be incapable of understanding basic economics and totally blind to actual science but the one thing they are GREAT at is organizing. They are always several steps ahead of the right when it comes to political manuevering.
