Thursday, September 16, 2021

Those idiots are back

Well, they weren't really gone, but they're making noise again.  The "You don't need a gun because they're bad, you just need enough hand-to-hand/knife/sword/staff training and then you won't need a gun!" bullshit.

Sounds like the clowns I used to know when I was playing in the SCA, "Just keep your sword/knife/etc. by the bed, and they're more honorable than using a gun anyway."

Yes, I've actually heard that crap.  Because when someone breaks into your home or attacks you in a parking lot you should be worried about 'honorable combat'...


  1. This reminds me of the Monty Python sketch about being attacked by someone with a banana.

  2. Anonymous8:29 AM

    leave the "rules" for the morons who fight in rings. there only alive or dead
    in the real world.

  3. I know a guy that was a former corrections officer that was never armed at work. All hand to hand type defensive stuff of which he was an expert. Once upon a time he was a fit guy that could rip you in half with his bare hands. Fast forward to now, over 25 years retired, several heart attacks, weighs just over 300 pounds (not a healthy BMI) and still thinks that should be everyone's first defense. If you need a firearm well then NO ONE NEEDS anything more than a little 5-shot .38 Special. Anything more substantial, then you are either A). a pussy, or B). need more target practice.

    He is a classic FUDD.

  4. And if the bad guy has a gun ? Like the old saying- Don't bring a knife to a gun fight son

  5. Like most people have time to train for hand to hand knife fighting for a home invasion when a revolver in the night stand can handle the problem.
