Friday, August 20, 2021

Says it all

I've noticed that a lot of "At least he's not Trump!" people are pretty quiet.  No surprise.  I wouldn't want to call attention to myself either.

Larry Correia has a piece on Fecesbook that says it pretty well,* I'll borrow a bit of it:
They left the British hanging. UK officials confirm that their military was in the dark about the plans, and we just left our closest, long term historical allies dangling in the wind. Then Biden avoided Boris Johnson's call for 36 hours (and apparently he was the FIRST world leader Biden finally talked to). Remember when you waxed on and on about how great it would be to have the rest of the world respect us again? Because the rest of us remember exactly what you smug fucks said.

Surely you weren't that stupid. It was pretty obvious the guy wasn't up to the task, but you did it anyway. So now the world will pay for your wishful thinking. The media knew. They covered for him. Big tech knew. They covered for him too. And then when the rest of us talked about the multitude of warnings signs, the history, the corruption, the lies, the bribes, the baffling weird shit that came out of his mouth, and all those obvious red flags that this was going to be a clown show, so we'd rather vote for the uncouth asshole because at least he'd not set the world on fire, you booted us off the internet.
And motherfucking Lloyd Austin has the unmitigated gall to sit there on TV saying that America doesn't have the capability to secure a fucking airport, while General Miley is sitting there wearing a fucking RANGER TAB. That sort of thing is why the Rangers exist. Meanwhile the French and a bunch of contractors are running Mad Max convoys through Kabul trying get their people out.

Mew mew mew, but Trump said mean things that upset communist fucking China and various candy ass left wing world leaders. Oh no, however would America survive without the goodwill of Justin fucking Tradeau? It's so much better to have our military too focused on gender studies, climate change, and woke bullshit about rooting out extremists (i.e. half of America) than doing stuff like not leaving allied troops at the mercy of a bunch of barbarian goat rapists.
He does have a way with words

*Yes, still have an Fecesbook account; there are people and some groups who aren't on MeWe


  1. trump created an agency to help stranded americans and rescue if needed, and to make plans for just this sort of situation. biden disbanded/defunded it two months go.

  2. Ref the pic: Dementia Joe had the gonads to say "Not one international country has criticized my actions on Afghanistan." Imbecile.

    1. Well he is right. If you are international you are not national, and Visa versa.
