Tuesday, August 17, 2021

President Gropey had a press conference in which he took responsibility for the cluster in A-stan,

and then proceeded to blame Trump for everything.  Because 'He left me no choice'.  Etc.  After which he fled the conference, answering no questions, and went back into hiding.

The Generals have thrown him under the bus- "He would not listen to our advice"- and it's interesting watching a lot of leftist- some very so- media types having fits over this cluster and Biden & Co. running it.

One of the interesting things about this mess: an awful lot of them seem most upset because 'Women will be back to square one in Afghanistan!.  Yes, yes, all the death and probably terrorism and such is bad, but THAT is IMPORTANT!  Much like Cuomo basically murdered at least 15,000 people with his orders, but what really got him in trouble was "HE ABUSED WOMEN!"  So there's a lesson for you: you can kill and lie and cheat and various other generally bad activities, but if you're a female harasser/abuser, then you're in trouble...

Throw in all the equipment just left for the Taliban to seize, and in the case of the drones and such probably give or sell to Iran or the PRC.  Because, apparently, there was no plan or no orders given to destroy them.  Question there is 
Was there a plan to destroy the stuff and Biden said 'No', 
Was there no plan?  And if not, why the hell not?

God, what a bloody mess.


  1. i read b52's sent to destroy said assets were recalled without explanation. we're being set up for more goodness.....msm is most upset about all the lgbtq that they imported that got left behind to be tossed off the rooftops.

  2. No one has gone into Afghanistan with the sole intent of winning the war. It's been a power play and numbers game ever since the British used it as a brush war against Russia. Vietnam was a "limited war" whatever the hell that means. The same type of "limited rules of engagement" were tried in Afghanistan. They didn't work there either. We currently have two major problems in the Middle East. Afghanistan and Iran. Those two countries are comprised of multiple and quite different Muslim sects. They will, probably soon, go to war. Afghanistan was poorly equipped to fight Iran. They're better equipped now. The enemy of my enemy may not be my friend, but he's still my enemy's enemy. When my enemies bleed, it is to my benefit. If a few trinkets of war will encourage them to bleed, it's money well spent. As Patton said: "No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country." That's doubly true when you can get both enemies to die for their country.

  3. Sure looks like biden sent the JV team to fight the taliban on this one.

  4. I do believe the stuff left on the ground in country is payment in trade. Trade dor what? Aye, there is the question.
