Monday, August 16, 2021

Here it's "You don't need a gun because the police

(we hate and want to get rid of) will protect you!"  And a sprinkling of 'public safety!'
Taliban fighters on Monday reportedly began collecting weapons from civilians in Kabul as the insurgent group cements its swift takeover of Afghanistan.

“We understand people kept weapons for personal safety. They can now feel safe. We are not here to harm innocent civilians,” a Taliban official told Reuters.
“ISIS was telling everyone, ‘We’re all brothers,’ ” Abu Malik said. “They let people smoke and drink. At the checkpoints, they distributed presents to the kids. They ate with people, drank tea with people. They were very nice—they didn’t bother anyone. Then, a week or so after they arrived, they started confiscating weapons. They told us it didn’t matter if we’d been with the Awakening or the Army or the police—if we gave up our weapons, we’d be forgiven. Ten days later, they started taking people. "

All tyrants and wannabes want the peasants unarmed, makes it so much easier to deal with them.

1 comment:

  1. Under the rules of Islam, NO smoking and NO drinking . It is going to be a bloodbath when they are done
