Wednesday, August 04, 2021

Another couple of days dealing with how much stuff someone accumulates

over time.  All the "I can fix this later", "This might come in  handy", "I need to clean out all those old papers someday" things.  

Cleaning out the workshop is going to be difficult.

At least I didn't damage myself doing it.


  1. My father in law passed about 5 years ago....mother in law 16 months after him....We finally got into the house after the MIL's funeral....hauled out 10 30 yard dumpsters of junk, old clothes and junk AND we burned stuff for 10 hours that day.

  2. To whatever level of 'cleaning the workshop' you may mean, it most probably is amateur to my recent fit of insanity; I recently tossed out nearly fifty years of collected fasteners, bolts & nuts, brackets, and such of all sizes and types.

    The chest pangs as I watched the last box o'bolts fall onto the garbage heap should've killed. I think I did die a bit. But man, I got tired to being a slave to the accumulated detritus of bits and bobs left from various projects over the decades. It's been 'round about one month since, I'm still waiting for that cleansing feeling of relief of life anew.

    Good luck, we're all counting on you.

  3. Anonymous9:09 AM

    My late sister had an expression, "Getting rid of clutter feels good like taking a big dump after a long constipation."

    I still miss her, but I'll always have the memories, and this one makes me smile when I recall.
    Hopefully, you do too.

