Sunday, July 04, 2021

And for my good-night post,

May we one and all be the extremists that Zuckerbitch, Twatter and Google wet their pants over.


  1. Hi Firehand!!!
    Thx for the post!!! May Patriots pop fire works, fire pistol's and rifle's and carry on as the AMERICAN's we are and..... May all the liberals, Dim-0-craps, commies and other vermin of Freedom, Prosperity and the American Way sit in their play pen, wet their pampers, crap their pants, cry South Louisiana Alligator tears (They are BIG!!!.. both the tears and the 'gator's!!!) oh yes and wail an moan about why we won't suck up to their (CRT) Critical race theory....
    ...had my rant... time to fix a fresh "Hi-Ball".... (Whiskey an Pepsi!!!) "COKE" done gone off the charts with all their "Be Less White BULLSHIT!!!!!!" I've noticed the "COKE MAN" at the local wally world hauling off a lot of "UN BOUGHT-OUT OF DATE PRODUCT!!!" A Buddy of mine had some "COKE" stock ... he sold it when it started tkin' a major nose dive!! I WONDER WHY??
    Audentes, Fortuna, Iuvat!!!!!!,

  2. whittemore more than recovered, he went on to serve and fight in the revolution to the end. one badass old man.

  3. Happy Treason Day !!!

    I love the scene in the Great Escape when on the 4th of July, the British officer asks Steve McQueen: So, how are you getting managing along without us now?

  4. Samuel Whittemore's tombstone made me think the following thought:

    Go out fighting!...and then fight some more.

  5. If war be a young mans game, be warry of the old man on the field.
