Saturday, June 05, 2021

Why yes, it does sound exactly like that

“All proposed names are either too generic, or too similar to previous well-known viruses, or contain an Arabic number. This makes it hard to remember or recognize, leading to a tendency among the general population and scientists alike to use a shorthand term such as ‘Wuhan coronavirus’ or ‘Wuhan pneumonia.’ This has, in fact, been the case since it was named 2019-nCoV. This practice would, however, stigmatize and insult the people in Wuhan, who are still suffering from the outbreak.”
Gee, doesn’t that sound like the talking points that came out of every single Democrat and their mouthpieces in the mainstream media around that time? Also, for a virologist to argue that a scientific name should be changed because “it’s too hard for the general population to remember all those numbers” is pretty unheard of.
But for a bunch of virtue-signaling Professional Journalists, not a surprise.  At all.


  1. The "China Wuhan Virus" is very concise, precise and correct.

  2. And just why the f*** do they think we should care about the feelings of the people of Wuhan? I don't even care about the journalists' feelings.
