Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Well, Comrade Mayor & Co. are communists, so.

"It’s like what Hamas does with human shields," one parent born in China said. "Immigrants recognize in Teens Take Charge the Soviet Youth and the Chinese Red Guard."

The result has been a feeling of powerlessness among parents and administrators, who fear that going against the youth group could jeopardize their careers. "You can’t debate children," Deborah Alexander, a Queens parent-leader, told the Washington Free Beacon. "Nobody wants to attack a child."

It isn’t children who are setting the agenda, though; it’s adults plugged into the education department.

"We don't care if this screws your kids future, there will be Equity!"


  1. Anonymous8:29 AM

    sounds eerily like the Khmer Rouge

  2. Nasty little Hitler Youth and Young Pioneers. Not at all surprised the left in NYC would sink this low.

  3. People are so incredibly stupid.... The squeaky wheels get the grease.
