Sunday, May 30, 2021

Some tab/saved-up clearing

No, the Arctic sea ice is not disappearing.

'Cultural Appropriation' is bullshit.

That XKCD cartoon always annoyed me.

More of the costs of those idiot lockdowns.

Fauci is a lying bastard.

It figures Biden & Handlers would want a lying bastard like this to run the BATFEIEIO.

And now, I need to clean up and get some sleep.


  1. Leigh6:38 PM

    I used to read XKCD. While I didn't always agree with his take on some things, I appreciated his quirky humor.
    Then one day he posted a large, "I'm with her" panel. In support of Cankles von Pantsuit's presidential bid. I've never been back.
    Funny, the script they used as an example in the article; in this case, applies to him, as well.

    Whitehall, NY

  2. "Then one day he posted a large, "I'm with her" panel. In support of Cankles von Pantsuit's presidential bid. I've never been back."

    That's exactly when I stopped reading XKCD. The humor wasn't worth the leftist lecturing. Screw XKCD.
