Friday, April 09, 2021

Sounds like the University of Oklahoma needs a big funding cut, since they have so much money

they're wasting it on "You can't have your own thoughts, this is OU!"
But the University of Oklahoma’s mandatory diversity training modules go further, requiring students and faculty to answer questions in a manner that expresses agreement with the university’s viewpoints on thorny and difficult issues. Viewpoints with which students and faculty may not actually agree.

And on "None of your business what we're doing!"
The university’s March 23 response — more than four months after our request — said that FIRE would be permitted to view the training materials, but only in person on OU’s campus in Norman, Oklahoma. In other words, in order to view public records, the University of Oklahoma would require a FIRE staff member to fly across the country (FIRE is based in Philadelphia) during a global pandemic. That’s not exactly a transparency-friendly approach to public records, and it all but ensures that public records remain private.

This is bullshit of the first order, and people need to be fired for this.

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