Monday, April 26, 2021

But I'm sure they're comforted by BLM and antifa saying destroying businesses isn't violence

because 'buildings aren't alive', and that it's not looting it's 'liberating material'.
To business owners in George Floyd Square, it’s been a nightmare.

Crime is up. Business owners say they’ve lost three-fourths of their business. Things have gotten so bad that community activist Alicia Smith has set up a GoFundMe page on behalf of an area business group known as the 38th Street Black Business Collective.

The sad irony is that most of these businesses are black-owned, according to the New York Post.

“The city left me in danger,” said the owner of Smoke In The Pit restaurant, whom the Post identified only as Alexander W. “They locked us up on here and left us behind.”

Well, let's see... the politicians allowed a bunch of rioting communists and assholes- lots of them young whites from mid- to well-to-do families- riot, loot, beat, and burn, then let them take over a part of the city, and you expect those politicians to do a damn thing about it?  

Whether you voted for said politicians or not, you're screwed.  They consider you their sacrifice to progressivism, and that's the price you pay for them playing "I'm a supporter!"

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