Monday, April 12, 2021

A: If the US was the racist hellhole these asshats keep insisting, they would not have to fake 'hate crimes'

A Black student was reportedly responsible for racist graffiti discovered at Albion College in Michigan. According to MLive, on April 2, slogans such as “KKK,” “White Power,” and “Die N****rs Please!” were discovered in Mitchell Towers, a residence hall.

As a result of the messages, hundreds of students boycotted class and marched on campus for three consecutive days.

But who cares if it's fake!
However, the college insisted that “there is a significant history of racial pain and trauma on campus and we are taking action to repair our community.”

So: it's a fake incident to stir things up, but "Even though this is fake, we're going to use it to browbeat people into being- or at least acting- more woke!"

1 comment:

  1. I live in Michigan, and have been to Albion college, many years ago. It seems that all of the many small, private colleges in Michigan are becoming steaming cesspools of socialism, with a fast drift towards irrelevancy. It is truly a sad thing, since I graduated high school in 1978 and these same schools were vibrant, active, and drew the best minds of not just Michigan, but from throughout the entire nation, and the world.
    At the time, I was considering a number of schools, and eventually ended up delaying education until a later time, when I instead took classes from a number of different colleges. Actually 4 different colleges, and 3 of them no longer exist. I like to think that I had nothing to do with their demise, but you never know.


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