Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Well, this sounds like a monumental piece of bullshit by the feds,

with no excuse other than "Let's see if we can make an example of these people."  

With that troublesome oath about 'upholding the Constitution' being pushed aside, apparently with no concern.

Yet we're supposed to trust these people.


  1. Anonymous5:53 AM

    I'm in that Montana area, that story is sketchy. No time and date. Closes thing found that even resembles that story is:




    Something is fishy with that story.

  2. It looks like the "authorities" were trying to spark another Ruby Ridge or Branch Davidian type of event to stir up some publicity. I hope it stirs up the kind they don't want, but given the current leanings of the lapdog press, I don't see that happening.

  3. People say there are too many guns, too many owners for the government to disarm us.

    Well THIS is how it will happen. You publicly DESTROY a gun owner, do it several times then offer a gun amnesty. Repeat as necessary till more than 90% of Americans disarm themselves out of fear they are next to be raided, bankrupted and ruined. It take time.....but once the legal sale of the is banned....and that IS the lefts next major gun control goal....the Feds have all the time in the world to disarm the remnants.


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