Thursday, March 11, 2021

Surprise anyone that a university would play 'Protect the Religion of Peace' game?

Hindu students at Rutgers University recently introduced a petition asking Rutgers University to take action against South Asian History Professor Audrey Truschke because of “the bigotry being peddled against Hindus via continued derision of our religion, our deities, and our sacred texts.” Truschke, said the petition, “falsely linked Hindus with extremists and white supremacists rioting at Capitol Hill; claimed that the Bhagavad Gita, a central Hindu sacred text, ‘rationalizes mass slaughter’ and violence”; “Whitewashed Hindu genocide by Mughal king Aurangzeb (death toll of 4.6 million)”; and much more. But Rutgers, knowing who the protected victim classes are and who they aren’t, waved away the petitioners by claiming a commitment to “academic freedom.” Sure, and the sun sets in a muddy pool near Los Angeles.

OpIndia reported Tuesday that Rutgers released a statement declaring: “Rutgers emphatically supports Professor Truschke, academic freedom in pursuing her scholarship, abhors the vile messages and threats that are being directed at her, and calls for an immediate end to them.

Wonder if they had any difficulty deciding which way to go?  Or are they too afraid of offending the radical muslim types to even hesitate?

Truschke is a great defender of the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb, whom she portrays as a Muslim Gandhi. The History of Jihad From Muhammad to ISIS introduces you to the real Aurangzeb, beyond these ridiculous academic myths, not from the work of “later-day historians,” but in his own words and the words of eyewitnesses to his deeds. Aurangzeb in 1670 issued this decree: “Every idol-house built during the last 10 or 12 years, whether with brick or clay, should be demolished without delay. Also, do not allow the crushed Hindus and despicable infidels to repair their old temples.”
Etc.  Wonderful sort, wasn't he?

1 comment:

  1. Hindus, much like Christians and Jews, don't have a history of cutting your head off with a dull knife on video or detonating themselves with suicide bombs in your office when you disrespect them.


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