Friday, March 26, 2021

Professional Journalism, Part Something

Ahead of President Joe Biden’s first solo press conference on Thursday, Washington Post media columnist Margaret Sullivan warned the media about their behavior lest they embarrass him.

“But when President Biden steps to the lectern Thursday, the pressure will also be on the White House press corps themselves, as reporters recalibrate after the tumultuous, misinformation-filled years of Donald Trump to a president who is far less showy and, to date, much more truthful.”

“It’s a major test for news organizations and reporters in covering Biden.”

These shits aren't even trying to hide it anymore

Now throw in this on the 'press conference':
New photos reveal several cheat sheets used by President Biden during his Thursday press conference — including one with the headshots and names of reporters he planned to call on.
Approved clowns with approved questions only.  Oh yeah, we can trust these bastards.

And you'll notice none of them objected to being part of the Prop Up Joe Show.

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