Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Piece of garbage murders ten people,

and immediately we get the 'white supremacists/white people are the real threat!' noise from the left.

Slight problems: we've got a Syrian-born muslim, who likes ISIS, who yelled a lot about 'islamophobia', etc.  

So immediate pivot to crap like this

And how it's completely "If we only had proper gun safety laws!"  Ignoring that Colorado has most of those laws they like.  Of course, for the blood dancers that doesn't matter.

Now the Veep gives a speech about how "We're not trying to take your guns!" while pushing laws to take away guns.  And ignoring Biden's past statements of "Yes, we're coming to take your guns!"

Isn't this crap fun?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:04 AM

    never see him charged with a hate crime or reported as such


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