Monday, March 15, 2021

A few links before I fall over

That idiotic phone call between Pelosi and the head of the Joint Chiefs is being subpoenaed.  This should get interesting.

Antifa is made up of sadistic socialist assholes
.  In case you didn't already know.

The troops they claim are necessary for their safety in the Capitol are fed rotten and contaminated food, and now this.  A bunch of the higher ranks may be kissing Biden & Co.'s ass, but I suspect the enlisted are not exactly going to be enthusiastic.

A lot of leftists are more willing to use violence to push their political ends.  Surprised?

I suspect, barring a miracle, things are going to get really nasty, probably soon.

1 comment:

  1. The link to the story about the Pelosi phone call says "access denied".


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