Sunday, February 07, 2021

Really surprised this hasn't happened before

Starnes admitted to shooting 20-year-old Timothy Wilks. Police were told that Wilks and a friend approached a group of people, including Starnes with butcher knives.

 The incident is said to have been a prank robbery for a YouTube video, however, Starnes reportedly did not know and shot Wilks.

Even discounting concealed-carry being so common, there are people out there who would not react well to crap like this, and have the background to do something about it.


  1. I teach students in my Tae Kwon Do and self defense classes about the "Three Stupids":

    !. Don't do stupid things.
    2. Don't go stupid places.
    3. Don't hang with stupid people.

    Looks like 1 & 3 both got violated, and damn it was costly.


  2. Sad, but sometimes the gene pool needs a little bleach.

  3. I've seen too many of these idot pranks and am surprised as well that this hasn't happened before

  4. HA! I hope it hurt the entire time he was dying...


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