Sunday, February 14, 2021

Let us speak of stupidity,

which is available in large quantities.  Starting with
Professor Huang Heqing of Zhejiang University, one of the most eminent schools in China, is teaching his students that all of Western history is a hoax and that everything, from the pyramids to Shakespeare to the Mona Lisa, are modern fakes meant to belittle China.

How dumb are journalists?  A lot of them, very.

Throw in that a lot of Professional Educators and university bigshots... jeez, racism and stupidity, and it's getting people sued, as it should.

I suggest a law: you turn a foreign species loose, you will be fed to it.  In pieces, if necessary.

Asshats who insist terrorists must have understanding and the best legal representation available are pissed that Trump had a good lawyer.

More idiot and racist academics.

1 comment:

  1. Your future depends on your past.
    The Chinese seek to prevent
    the west from having a future.
    Part of the scheme involves
    destroying our past. And the
    complicit commies now running
    things will not only allow that
    to happen but help him.


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