Friday, February 19, 2021

A bunch of the media weenies are crying because "People aren't listening to us

and letting us control what they hear!"  Damn right.  Because you can't be trusted, you've proven it.
Nolan knows how, and that’s what bothers him: Tesla scrapped its media-relations department because the media don’t much matter to it. Tesla has plenty of ways to get its story out without relying on the media, and that makes the media much less important — and much less powerful. And it’s the power part that hurts the most.

Writes Nolan: “We are living through a historic, technology-fueled shift in the balance of power between the media and its subjects. The subjects are winning. . . . As journalists, we all view this as a horrifying assault on the public’s right to know, and on our own status as brave defenders of the public good. And that is all true, for what it’s worth. But this is about power.”

It sure is. And the media have less. Some of that is because of technology, but more of it is because reporters and editors have lost their standing with the people whose “right to know” they allegedly uphold.

The “right to know” claim rings hollow when The Washington Post, along with virtually every other mainstream outlet, did its best to kill the still-undisputed Hunter Biden stories published in these pages ahead of the election. Do the people have a “right to know” things in general? Or just the things Nolan would want them to know? Seems more like the latter, and people have noticed.

And they don't like it.  And they're doing something about it.  So a bunch of people who depend on the 1st Amendment want to limit it to keep themselves in control.


  1. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Just recently found your blog. The arrogance of Nolan is breathtaking, but not surprising. In their own minds, they believe themselves to be superior intellects, but they are blinded by their own hatred of anyone who doesn't think the same way. What's really irritating to me are the people who blindly follow these idiots and regurgitate their venom. People have caught on to them and Trump really exposed them as the frauds they really are. Alternative media is a threat to them--I agree that they want to keep that power in their own hands to control our thoughts--and us.

  2. As a child, I learned the story of the boy who cried wolf. The essence of the story is that repeating a lie often enough will consign one to irrelevancy. That’s where CBSNBCABCPBSMSNBCCNN is today, irrelevant.


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