Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Speaking of the Professional Journalists,

It’s astonishing that after so many years of decline in trust in media — this phenomenon has been going on for over a decade now, something I first started noticing when I published The Great Derangement back in 2008 — media people still think the issue is a mathematical question of “sides,” with widespread audience revulsion a kind of reward for their unflinching correctitude.

Sullivan was a lot closer to the truth when she warned of being seduced by the return of a Biden administration that closely reflects “our values,” which she described as being like the world as represented in West Wing: celebrating “multiculturalism, a belief in the principles of liberal democracy, and a kind of wonky idealism.”

West Wing was General Hospital for rich white liberals, a seven-season love letter to the enlightened attitudes of the Bobo-in-Paradise demographic. If that’s the self-image of the national press, it’s no wonder they make people want to vomit. The coverage of Biden’s inauguration, another celebration of those attitudes, was an almost perfect mathematical inverse of late-stage Trump reporting, a monument to groveling sycophancy.

Read it all, it's good.  Taibbi and Glenn Greenwald seem to be a couple of actual liberals and reporters as opposed to the aforementioned Professional Journalists.  Who either won't read this, or will dismiss it, because his advice would interfere with the weld their lips have to Biden's and Harris' asses.


  1. They're no journalists, they are paid propagandists. As such they should be considered primary legitimate targets. When they start dying in droves they will decide the the pay for being professional liars isn't near adequate for the risks
    involved. Without the willing help of the media whores the commie left will be seriously hamstringed.

  2. Way I've put it is "They ARE journalists; it's just that 'journalist' usually means 'sorry excuse for a reporter'."


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