Monday, January 18, 2021

Not much time today, so I will state this again, using Kim's words:

This has the stench of agent provocateur  and “false flag” all over it — I’ll go even further and say that this even smells like an ATF / FBI sting.   So, to whoever dreamed up this little scheme:  go fuck yourselves.  Peddle this shit somewhere else.  As the man says:

If you want to exercise your Second Amendment rights, do it the way you have always done it: keep your weapon in a safe place where you can get to it if you need it to defend yourself from imminent harm or if you are engaging in a gun-safe activity (e.g., a firing range or hunting); follow all gun safety rules; and refrain from being stupid — and it would be exceedingly stupid to step into an obvious trap baited by Democrats, the Deep State, Antifa, or some other organization that wants to end the Second Amendment in America.

His post.


  1. Don't ever do anything to stand up for Liberty. It might be a trap and you would look bad.

  2. If you think this poster that friggin' NOBODY will take credit for is an invitation to stand up for liberty...

    1. Anonymous5:42 PM

      I get where you're going.


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