Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Michael Beller is the Chief Counsel for PBS, which means this asshole is paid with tax money Updated

“Americans are so fucking dumb,” said PBS Principal Counsel Michael Beller, who was chatting with one of Project Veritas‘ undercover self-described guerilla journalists. “You know most people are dumb.”
“Kids who are growing up, know nothing but Trump, for four years, you’ve got to wonder what they’re (Trump supporting children) going to be like, ” Beller told the undercover journalist. “They’ll (Trump supporters) be raising a generation of intolerant, horrible people – horrible kids.”
Beller suggests removing the children from parents who supported Trump and then sending them to enlightenment camps. "

I'll bet this piece of shit just loves the PRC.

And yes, there's more.

Update: PBS says he 'no longer works there', and was just a 'mid-level staff attorney'.  They must've realized that claiming 'taken out of context' and such wasn't going to cut it on this.


  1. "Principal Counsel" doesn't sound like a mid-level attorney to me. Until they present an org chart of their legal staff, I call bullshit.

  2. Michael Beller, say something stupid and crazy, he suck like an asshole

  3. I've SEEN Trump's kids.

    Aaaaand I've seen Hunter..

    So, I'm going with
    That guy is an idiot

  4. Ironically enough he was dumb enough to get caught on tape...

  5. Like a lot of others making similar statements.

    I went to the PBS Fecesbook page and made the mistake of reading some of the comments. The fact that there was video didn't matter because "It was from Veritas!" There were also the idiots who said "I trust PBS, so I don't know what this is about and I don't care."

  6. Video with audio PROVING what he said does not matter.
    They truly are mentally ill.


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