Saturday, January 30, 2021

I haven't had much shooting stuff to write about

because between weather and a back problem, I haven't done much.  Some things I have accomplished:
.32 S&W loads with heavier bullets are hard to find, many of the usual manuals only list lighter bullets.  RCBS makes a mold for a 100-grain SWC that shoots nicely, but it took digging around to find suitable loads.  Be it noted that, while you have to be careful about "Well, I tried this and it didn't do anything bad!", there is a lot of information to be found.

A sight pusher is a lot more precise way to adjust than a punch and hammer.

Some organization was done, including finding a rack to hang the cleaning rods on; that should've been done a long time ago.

Now, in other news,
As the gentleman says, that's a very bad idea.  Back when Obama was in office, you had the usual idiots hoping he'd fall down the stairs or whatever, with everyone else saying "God, I hope not, that'd be a disaster!"  It may be too much to hope for that these idiots realize the same about Trump.

Not the best of ideas to accuse someone of something when you're on video starting it.

A piece from Madame Hoyt on their cunning plan:
The communist revolution is designed to work in a country that is mostly urban, with a vast urban underclass that can’t rise above for reasons both internal and external despite working unreasonable hours. It’s designed for a country with a firm aristocracy of the hereditary sort (even if that aristocracy is often from trade), it is designed for a country with a conscript army where the plum assignments go to the “good families” as a matter of course, it is designed to work — most of all and very importantly — in a country where they ABSOLUTELY control all the means of mass communication and do so without the vast majority of the people being aware of it.

Occasional-Cortex is the gift that just keeps on giving.
Nevertheless, we’ve seen a constant stream of hysterical pronouncements along these lines for weeks. The riot at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 seems to have unmoored some people from reality, so that now ostensibly serious journalists and commentators talk about how the Capitol was “sacked” by “insurrectionists” who “brought democracy to its knees.” All of this was led—not just “incited” but led, we’re told—by Trump himself.

It doesn’t seem to matter that the Capitol wasn’t sacked, that there was no insurrection or even a realistic plan for one, and that Congress got back into the building and finished its business that same day.

That's nice.  Now don't read the damn thing out loud.

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