Wednesday, January 06, 2021

Getting old is generally fairly easy*;

being old tends to suck.

Due to some of the catalog of aches, pains, and accumulated damage and wear, it's harder to do a lot of things than it used to be, and I can't do as much of them.  Which sucks.

One of them is I'm not as tolerant of cold as I used to be, since it tends to emphasize the aforementioned aches and pains.

Right now it's cloudy, and cold, and real humid; the rain they predicted hasn't happened(yet) but the moisture is still out there.  And I'm so far behind on cleaning/organizing the house, I think I'll stick with some of that.  After turning the heat up a bit.

*Few days ago I counted up the various ways that, not that long ago, I'd have wound up crippled or dead over the years if not for modern medicine; it's both wonderful that it works, and depressing I've needed that much of it.

1 comment:

  1. Well, yes. Me so fucking dead. Very fucking dead. Very very dead. Just the tuberculosis would have given me a dirt nap. So happy to live in this time!


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