Friday, December 04, 2020

There's video form Georgia of pollwatchers being run out, and then

suitcases of ballots being pulled out and counted.  But most of our media and Fecesbook and Twatter say "Just routine, nothing to see here, our fact checkers say so, so shut up and surrender."
The level of fraud and cheating is disgusting.  And that our Professional Journalists, instead of actually investigating, are part of the cheating process, justifies their being called enemies of the people.
Because they are.  So are the judges and politicians involved in this.  And they should all be treated appropriately. 

And to every clown out there spewing "You can't trust that, the story was in a Right-Wing Fake News site!" screw you; people doing what our Professional Journalists won't  doesn't make it fake news, and you know it.

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