Sunday, December 13, 2020

The Professional Journalists are really in ass-kissing mode, aren't they?

White House correspondent April Ryan raised eyebrows on Friday after she appeared to endorse the idea that journalists shouldn't reveal contradictions between President-elect Joe Biden's public and private statements.

On Thursday, Ryan appeared to express disapproval that a recording of Biden claiming "defund the police" rhetoric hurt down-ballot Democrats in last month's elections was leaked to The Intercept, which duly reported on it.

"I asked an incoming White House source was the meeting contentious with civil rights leader and @JoeBiden and the answer was 'no'. A rights leader at the meeting says @JoeBiden was passionate," Ryan tweeted. "The question is who taped this meeting and why? What is the agenda?"

"You can't ask us to actually REPORT on this, we're journalists!  And it might hurt Biden!"


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