Monday, December 07, 2020

How stupid is that mask/Wuhan bullshit?

This effing stupid.
Among the new rules is student-athletes are permitted to wrestle, but must refrain from handshakes before and after the match.

Wrestlers are also required to wear facial coverings off the mat when not actively competing or warming up.

Oh yeah.  That makes just so much sense, doesn't it?


  1. It is stupid.

    I had three sons, each 4 yrs apart so we spent 12 straight years watching varsity wrestling. I coached a youth team for 20 years. My youngest even wrestled nationally as well as overseas. There's always the risk of catching something and wrestlers (especially Americans) are pretty peculiar about washing and keeping themselves clean. But, if someone has something, not shaking hands is the least of your worries ... you're swapping sweat for God's sake.

    Never mind the fact that this particular virus does not affect anyone under 20 very severely at all!

    Pretty soon, the good people of this country will not stand for any more of this bull shit.


  2. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Consider the psychological damage inflicted by forcing people to pretend idiocy is reasonable.
