Saturday, December 26, 2020

Exactly. The 'experts' have trashed a huge amount of the trust they used to get


  1. Anonymous8:47 AM

    You cannot trust the government except when they say they want your taxes. No matter the party they are all the same - working to expand the government even if it hurts the American people.

  2. Anonymous1:34 AM

    I remember first reading about Fakey after I finished pharmacy school in the mid-70's. I believe we were going through the first swine flu pandemic. Same as now, people were being told to get the vaccine or die. Seems like more were being killed or being crippled by the vaccine. Then came the AIDS epidemic in the 80's with hundreds of thousands of deaths and we were promised a vaccine within a year. Wonder where that is? Ah, then there was Obama's swine flu around 2005 or 2006. I'm sorry, but, after all these years, I have come to the conclusion that if his lips are moving, he is lying.


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