Sunday, December 20, 2020

A piece on the anti-rights clowns from 1925

Well worth the time.  One taste:
The new law that it advocated, indeed, is one of the most absurd specimens of jackass legislation ever heard of, even in this paradise of legislative donkeyism. Its single and sole effect would be to exaggerate enormously all of the evils it proposes to put down. It would not take pistols out of the hands of rogues and fools; it would simply take them out of the hands of honest men. The gunman today has great advantages everywhere. He has artillery in his pocket, and he may assume that, in the large cities, at least two-thirds of his prospective victims are unarmed. But if the Nation’s proposed law (or amendment) were passed and enforced, he could assume safely that all of them were unarmed.
One thing he doesn't seem to have realized: those people WANT all the commoners as unarmed and helpless as possible.  If they're not, how can they be 'saved' be the enlightened ones?  Not to mention they're a lot harder to control if they can shoot you.

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