Saturday, November 14, 2020

Scene from the range

Two guys in line, one holding a pump shotgun- bolt closed- and the other holding a AR, with a mag in, couldn't see the right side, so start with
"Sir, could you open that shotgun for me?" 
He opened it, and the round that had been in the chamber is now loose in the receiver.  And he starts trying to dump it out, waving the damn thing in a horizontal direction.
"Point it up!"  Nothing.  "Point it UP!"  Still nothing.

At that point I'm going his way, happily the RSO beat me to it and got the scattergun pointed safely and started telling him, in detail, of his sins.  While he's doing that I tell the other guy to take the mag out of the AR.

And I don't think he knew how.  At this point I said something like "Give it to me", got it from him, and dropped the mag.  Which was loaded.  While the first guy was insisting "It's not loaded."  The bolt was closed, but- miraculously- didn't have one in the chamber.  I told him the mag damn well WAS loaded, and(short and emphatic lecture on not bringing loaded guns, especially out of a case, into the place).

Crap like this is why one of the "Reasons I may be fired someday" includes

*An option on this one is "GOD-DAMMIT, PUT IT DOWN!  NOW, YOU IDIOT!"


  1. All appropriate phrases for that job, I think.

  2. If you find yourself reaching the limits of modern English I recommend the Elizabethan Insult Generator. Thou cack handed addlepate! Seems right on point. Also Hindi is supposed to have wide selection of insults and profanity.

    1. You sound like a neotinous vertipotent ponophobe.

  3. Toastrider12:18 PM

    There is no such thing as 'excessive language' when you are responsible for range safety. I'd rather the air itself smoke with profanities rather than deal with an ND.

  4. Anonymous11:29 AM

    You aren't wrong.

    Where I live, there's nowhere to shoot but public ranges. The amount of terrifying stupidity I see on display every time I go out makes me wonder if I should start wearing kevlar to the range.

    Worse--the idiocy I see on display is from the people who are there to train and practice because they know their skills are lacking. What of those who buy a gun "for protection," load it, and put it in the sock drawer, where it remains for some decades until the estate sale?

    I know it's a fundamental right, but sometimes, in my dark moods, I think there needs to be some kind of bozo filter. In my spare time I write up range qual tests designed to weed out people who don't have their shit together. I know. I know. Fundamental right. Shall not be infringed. But so many of the people I see at the range are dangerous morons a sane society would sterilize. Yes. Fundamental right.

  5. Hm. Two words the dictionary hasn't heard of, and yes, in places like a lobby I AM rather upset by loud noises such a gunshots.
