Saturday, November 14, 2020

Scene from the range

repeated many times the last couple of weeks:
"Do you have any muzzleloader bullets?"
"Do you have any .30-30?"
"What .30-06 do you have?"
and on, and on.

Because they waited until a week(the far-sighted ones) or the day before(far too many) the season opened to think "I ought to get some bullets!"

The prize was the guy who asked about .30-30, when told "We're out" said "So is everybody else!  What am I supposed to do, I should be on the road to Missouri already!"

Times I've gone deer hunting, I was making sure I had my stuff at least a month ahead of time.  Just because I was excited enough that I had to make sure everything was in order.  Throw in the political situation, waiting until the day before is just not a good idea.


  1. Have a buddy who said, "I should take up reloading again". He asked where to get powder and bullets and I had to tell him. " no where".

  2. Are these folks gun owners? And we (the last surviving AMERICAN patriots) are supposed to rely on these guys for help in the uprising?

  3. In all fairness, if you had started trying to get 30-30 a month ago, you would still be trying today.

  4. Nothing changes. Here in PA our opening day for rifle deer season has always been the Monday following Thanksgiving as far back as I can remember. Driving up to camp on Friday or Saturday you would see every single big or little sporting goods store parking lot packed with the vehicles of guys who waited until the last minute to buy a license, ammo or both........

  5. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Ammo should never be not ready.


  6. Today a guy came in looking for 6.5 Creedmore. Seems he'd picked up a nice Savage A FREAKING YEAR AGO, and "I haven't been able to find any ammo for it."

    I damned well KNOW there was plenty around for at least half of that year; he just didn't bother to look for any...

  7. Weetabix2:07 PM

    I blush a bit in telling this. My son asked a few weeks ago to borrow a rifle to go deer hunting.

    I said, sure. You'll want to go shoot it a bit first.

    Him: Sure, pop!

    Me: Have you got ammo?

    Him: I'll grab some somewhere.

    Me: No you won't.

    Him: Walmart will have some. Or a gun shop.

    Me: No they won't.

    Thursday evening, he sends his wife to pick it up from me so he could go Friday night. I sent some ammo along. I'm kind of glad he didn't see a deer, since he'd never shot the rifle.

    When I got the rifle back, he told me in an amazed voice that no one had ammo.

    Who have thought?
