Saturday, November 07, 2020

It should be noted that Occasional-Cortex is a commie

And commies love lists of enemies(that being any non-commie) to deal with.*

Wonder if she understands that assholes like her are one of the reasons so many people became gun owners the last while?

*go to Instapundit and find the link

1 comment:

  1. I've been a gun owner for many decades, but I decided to get a few more handguns lately. I've gotten six in the past two months. Yeah, they are all .380 ACP, but I have buckets of brass and plenty of primers. Also had some bullets in stock, but I bought 1000 more HP and have another 1000 hard cast lead coming in. Two of the new(used) guns are for a couple ladies that I've been teaching to shoot. They are Bersa Thunders. They liked my PPK better than shooting a .22 and now they really love the Bersas. As soon as they get a bit more proficient I will sell them to the girls at cost plus transfer. Actually I'm losing money since they're burning through my ammo like Sherman through Atlanta. I also found a surplus FEG APK9 from the South African Police Service that was never issued that came with two serial numbered mags. Then I spied a beauty of a civilian Beretta 86BB with two mags that I had to have. Too pretty to shoot much so I bought a surplus Italian Police 85BB from DK Firearms as my shooter........
