Monday, October 19, 2020

Sounds good, except Wray should've been fired

when he thought the way to deal with senior agents lying under oath and otherwise violating law and ethics was to add a class to the academy teaching "Don't lie under oath."  Then would've been better, but now, for this?  He's past due.

Please note: if a friggin' FBI trainee doesn't already know that, throw them the hell out of the academy, because they're already in arrears on ethics.

If you can't see the piece, Insty has an excerpt here.

1 comment:

  1. Rank has always had its privileges. Back in the 90s (I think), the Special Agents in Charge (SACs) of most of the FBI offices all flew into Chicago on the taxpayers' dime for a retirement party for the Chicago SAC and a one-day "training session" that nobody attended, because the SACs were all at an interleague baseball game between the Cubs and the Yankees, which, of course, was the real reason for the whole thing. When the story got out (the press actually did some work back then; it was pre-Twitter and Facebook), the SACs had to reimburse the Government and a few of them got 15-day suspensions. When it was pointed out to the powers that be that "misuse of a Government vehicle," e.g., stopping at a drive-thru for lunch on your way home at the end of a 14-hour day, carries a minimum penalty of a 30-day suspension for a first offense, they had to withdraw all the suspensions and issue new ones. Good times.
