Sunday, October 25, 2020

Scene from the range(I swear, some people...)

Multiple people over the last couple of weeks:
"Why can't I buy more than one box?  Is there a shortage?"
"Why is everyone sold out of everything?"
"Why don't you have any hollowpoints?"
"Why can't I find any primers?"
And on.  And on.  I suspect these people are also what someone called 'low-information voters', because they apparently follow no news and pay no attention to what's going on around them. 


  1. Post any of the #GunVote pics you find at the link by my name. Send to first time gun buyers and every LGS in your address book.

  2. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Hey fella,

    I’ve been shooting for around forty years and I ask gun shops why they think there’s a shortage.
    Some people don’t have a superior intellect like your.
