Wednesday, October 07, 2020

I present to you two penal colonies:

The one on our west coast.and
The one Australia has turned back into(found on Fecesbook):

This afternoon, Officer in Charge of SAPOL’s Firearms Branch, Superintendent Stephen Howard, announced that effective 8 October, gel blasters will be classed as imitation firearms. 
“The firing mechanism in a gel blaster compresses air to fire a projectile and therefore meets the threshold test to be defined as a firearm,” said Superintendent Howard.

“A gel blaster can easily be mistaken for a real firearm, with potential to cause concern in the community and trigger a police response that could involve the use of police firearms, or other tactical options.”

The changes mean some 62,000 gel blasters currently circulating in the South Australian community will now be subject to licensing and regulation.

Seems that's their term for paintball guns.  Which, much like Formerly Great Britain, are now a threat to public safety, etc.


  1. The barrel on the pictured "gun" is too small to be a paintball marker, most common markers are 68 caliber. Though some are 50 caliber. In which case the shown "weapon" is probably an Airsoft gun. They use a reciprocating piston to compress air to drive a 6mm plastic BB to 400 +/- fps . There are many that are exact replicas of their real steel cousins, and cost damn near as much.
    Some countries ban their sale due to the potential use as a training tool to combat tyranny. Hence why Australia is banning them now. Then the US won't be far behind.

    Whitehall, NY

  2. Lies are easily thought to be truth, so shall we shackle your face?
