Saturday, October 03, 2020

Considering the amount of material I don't know if this is Biden's worst,

Wound up arguing with someone the other day about the 'Trump wouldn't condemn!' bullshit, including part of a bloody transcript, didn't matter: "Orange Man IS bad, and I can't understand how you can't see it!", etc.  From someone I thought a lot more worried about correct data than turned out to be.

This has gone beyond stupid to kind of sickening.  One of the latest bits of it being "I bet Trump doesn't have Wuhan, he's pretending so he won't have to debate Biden again!"  That's....



  1. This whole Trump bashing has been going since before he decided to run for POTUS and yes, it is sickening. Mostly due to shear numbers of idiots that refuse the truth even on video. Yep, pure sickness has taken ahold of our country and it belongs to Obama and Hillary and Biden.

  2. Just go with it.

    Come up with the most batshit illogical, psychotic conspiracy theories, ABSOLUTELY DENY THEM to the crazed lefties you have to deal with and - doc frankenstein like - watch them stagger off towards the village.

    It all comes apart in November anyway so might as well enjoy the floor show.
