Monday, September 07, 2020

A: Sue the teacher and the school, and find out how long

they've been recording kids without the parents knowledge, and what they've been doing with the recordings; discovery should be interesting.

B: Sue the idiots at the Sheriff's Department; they've definitely proven they are really sorry excuses for peace officers.

This kind of crap has to be stopped.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Seems to me that the Teacher's union is shooting themselves in BOTH feet: No only do the parents teach their own kids better than the public schools do, the PARENTS will have a valuable refresher course in the basics, and if they read their kids textbooks, they will see how dumbed-down the curriculum is. The best and brightest will take corrective steps, and those will disrupt the narrative in the classroom, when all the kids start quoting alternate sources and arguing with the teachers (if they ever DO go back to school).
