Monday, August 31, 2020

"Why don't you trust the Science?" they wail

Because there are politicians and bureaucrats involved in this 'Science', and they lie.
On Aug. 19, Rebecca Sunenshine took part in live streamed press conference to discuss Maricopa County’s COVID-19 statistics for July. And she admitted that the overall number of deaths in Maricopa County attributed to the virus has nothing to do solely with a deceased’s cause of death.

Sunenshine, the county’s Medical Director of Disease Control, stated that Maricopa County’s COVID-19 death count includes people who tested positive days, sometimes weeks, prior to dying, despite a lack of any medical evidence that the coronavirus played a role in the person’s death.

“Even if it’s not listed on their death certificate, anyone who has a COVID-19 positive test within a certain period of when they died is also counted as a COVID-19 positive death,” she said.

Throw in this from the CDC, which is boils down to "If you don't have some other serious health problem, your risk from this isn't much".  Which isn't what lots of idiots have been screaming for months, is it?


  1. Agree, This woman who is clearly being controlled, is dangerous.

    What prompted me to find your page was getting a e-mail from the MCD"Health" yesterday that has a link to a :28 second video which shows part of a presentation to the board and simply states that un Vaxxed have 29 times more chance of being hospitalized. This is clear and utter fraud as we know from witnesses that they are keeping v a x history off the charts on purpose. So where are they getting the numbers.
    This statistical manipulation is there weapon of choice in their war AGAINST PUBLIC health and they will continue to use it until they are held accountable.

    It's time for a Freedom of INFO request and we need to hold Bill Gates , Maricopa County Board Member and Health Liaison to account. He should not have plausible deniability . That's what they all use. What ever happened to getting a second opinion. This is sickening.

    Would you like to work on this together?

  2. As a follow-up , I forgot to mention that I did a search for Sunenshine liar and your page came up using Safari Please excuse typos. Sitting here without my readers.
