Saturday, August 15, 2020

About damn time this started happening

A top FBI lawyer who fabricated evidence in a federal spy warrant against Trump campaign affiliate Carter Page is expected to plead guilty to federal charges brought by U.S. Attorney John Durham. Kevin Clinesmith, who is expected to admit to deliberately fabricating evidence in a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant application, used to spy on a former campaign affiliate of President Donald Trump, was a top attorney in the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Office of General Counsel (OGC) and a key agency attorney under fired former FBI Director James Comey.


  1. He has a plea deal, which means he is spilling the beans. We'll see how far up the ladder this goes, but for the underlings, they might want to not keep a set pattern, avoid isolated areas, and change pharmacies regularly.

  2. Hope they keep a close eye on him so he doesn't "commit suicide."

    1. Not suicide. Arkancide, he's committed Arkancide.
      He's gonna get Fostered...

  3. Anonymous5:38 PM

    We will probably see a lot of little fish take one for the team. I doubt there will be anyone we know get prosecuted.
