Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Things go to hell, they do it fast,

and you can't count on single shots stopping the threat; some threats take multiple hits to stop coming at you.


  1. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Is the officer shooting blanks?

  2. Commendable job clearing her malfunction.

    I hope counseling is available if she needs it.

    Clear case of "suicide by cop" in my book.

  3. It looks like he was high on a few things there, "pain" didn't even register. Also, good on the cop for the instant "tap rack bang" when his gun jammed up.

  4. Suicide by police.

  5. Suicide by cop?

    Gotta give kudos to the deputy for the malfunction response. Very smooth. She's obviously been doing more practicing than required by the annual requal.

    I wonder how many of those shots actually hit.

    1. MN Steel7:36 PM

      All of them hit.


  6. I've been wondering that myself, but have not seen anything that says.

  7. The only complaint I would have in how she handled it is waiting too long to start poking holes in the nutjob. Letting an assailant with a knife get within twenty feet is a recipe for pain. The gun may kill them but it's not uncommon for the assailant to carve you up like the Christmas goose before dying.

  8. Toastrider8:18 PM

    The way he got out of the car and approached the police vehicle doesn't look right at ALL. I'd lay good money on the perp being on something.

  9. Excellent 'failure to fire' drill, especially under pressure.

  10. markm5:37 PM

    I'm wondering whether the problem was lack of stopping power, or shots going everywhere but into the attacker. I saw no reaction at all to most of the shots. Even if the perp was so high he could feel no pain, most good hits mean body parts stop working right, and I didn't see that until near the end.

    It's difficult to remember your target picture when a guy is rushing you with a knife, but a cop that sprays rounds all around is a public menace.
