Tuesday, July 07, 2020

They're making plans and spreading word on how to break car windows,

cut seat belts, and drag people out to beat them.

So the rule, more than ever, is that if you have to stop for some reason keep your head on a swivel, and be prepared to either hit the horn and the gas, or draw and probably have to shoot.  Because if they break a window you know what they have in mind.


  1. Anonymous7:09 PM

    So, in Ohio, someone breaking into your car while you're in it equates to a home invasion, from the perspective of Castle Domain/Duty to Retreat. That makes them fair game. I'm sure other states have similar rights (YMMV).

    - Hooda Thunkett

    1. Anonymous9:49 AM

      Don't depend on the law to protect you from the law. Threatening you in your car is a tactic that is part of the total strategy to disarm Americans. You may be saving your life from certain death and still be prosecuted to punish you for it. They WANT you to fight back. It's how they move their agenda forward.


  2. Anonymous3:13 AM

    Breaking into my occupied car will be viewed by me the same as breaking into my occupied house, and the outcome will be exactly the same. Dead invaders.

  3. One of the bad things about this is that the leaders of these idiots will be happy when some of them get killed: they'll scream "VICTIMS OF THE EVIL SYSTEM!" or something to rally the other idiots. And the moron Professional Journalists will, overall, parrot it.

  4. Hooda, just because the law says you can shoot them, some prosecutor trying to make a name for himself/herself/itself will sill file charges against you if the receivers of your ire are members of a protected minority or protected political class.

    Happens every time. Every damned time. Oh, the charges may not come down immediately, but within 3 months charges will be filed, the self-defender's life will be ruined by the media and by the mob.

  5. Does it remove bullets too?

  6. A dose of bear spray usually thins the crowd....

  7. anyone breaking my window and reaching in will get 3 1/2 inches of cold steel in his arm...multipule times....along with getting drug thru/over his buddies. can't charge you with attempted murder for strabbing their arm, but will make them let go in a hurry.
    carry an assisted open knife of legal length where you can reach it quickly with either hand.
