Saturday, July 25, 2020

Scene from the range

Guy comes out and says his AR is jammed and he thinks there's a round in the chamber.  Coworker goes to see.

Coworker comes out a few minutes later for a tool, goes back. 

Little later takes guy and rifle to gunsmith.

This was a fairly fancy rifle in .224 Valkyrie.  Coworker aid when he finally got the bolt back and cleared it, released and the bolt wouldn't close.  Takes out flashlight, looks inside, "When did you last clean this?"
"I never have."
Pause.  "How long have you had it?"
"Couple of years, it's got about 3000 rounds through it."

He described this as, looking closely with good light, "LAYERS of caked-on fouling."  Gunsmith later told me he'd never, in about three decades of this work, seen anything like it.

Found out the guy claimed "I did put some oil in it!"
"Did you ever wipe it out?"

I really wish I had pictures of this.  Gunsmith was surprised the thing hadn't completely seized up a long time ago.

Guy probably spent at least a thousand on this, likely more, and never bothered to clean it...


  1. Toastrider5:57 PM

    *stunned expression*

  2. How?

    How does someone drop cash on a gun for a boutique cartridge without knowing anything about guns?

    I would have thought the web searches to find out the round even existed would have exposed him to an ad for cleaning supplies at some point.
