Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Another pasty-faced BLM clown- as pasty as most of the idiots supporting the group-

says one helluva lot of people need 'to be gotten rid of because they're white and male'.

A: You first, you self-hating asshole.
B: Be prepared for a lot of clowns to insist that this isn't racist, it's 'self-defense' or something.

It's amazing how many idiots sound like the KKK with the colors reversed, isn't it?


  1. Phssthpok10:53 AM

    See also:

  2. Anonymous1:28 PM

    The person who said it claims to be a trans and claims that they are part black and part native american.

    It identifies as a women.

    What i see is a lot of mentally disturbed people claiming to be the flavor of the month running around getting a stiffy talking like a revolutionary.

    If they had to get their hands dirty they would be lucky to not piss themselves getting up the nerve.

    Thats were BLM comes in. Antifa sees BLM as the shock troops for their marxist revolution. The expect BLM to do all the killing and dirty jobs for them.

    Most of the upper leaders of BLM are nembers of the nation of islam. So they belive normal islam are their friends

    Islam sees the Antifa and BLM types as 2nd or 3rd class citizens.

    If they did win the first thing is Islam and BLM would purge the Antifa types for being white. Then islam would turn on BLM.

