Thursday, June 18, 2020

Things are improving,

with some weird touches.

Things in the eye with the new lens are no longer canted, and focus is improving.  But if I have glasses on(correction on the other side only) the image is a bit weird; if I have glasses off the brain is processing primarily with image from the now-good side, which is opposite what it was before.  I hope this settles in soon, it's annoying.  And a bit disorienting at times.

One of these days I'll have to have the other eye done; at least I'll know what to expect.

1 comment:

  1. I had both of mine done about 3 years ago (one week apart) and things have been great. I didn't have the off kilter vision you mentioned, but colors really shocked me. I didn't realize how faded the world had become. Rest, relax, let it all heal, and let your brain make the necessary adjustments.
