Monday, June 15, 2020

Opinion: true

 That is why you see mobs defacing statues of abolitionists like Matthias Baldwin and Union war heroes like Adm. David Farragut and Gen. George Thomas. That is why the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier of the American Revolution in Philadelphia was vandalized this past weekend with the words “committed genocide.” That is why statues of Christopher Columbus were torn down or beheaded in three cities last week. That is why officials in Dallas recently removed a Texas Ranger statue from Love Field Airport. That is why a mob of college students toppled two statues of American pioneers on the University of Oregon campus. That is why Black Lives Matter protesters in San Antonio, Texas, are threatening to march on the Alamo.

To suppose this has anything to do with the Confederacy or the Civil War is to misunderstand completely the nature of what is happening right now in America. The people who are pulling down monuments, defacing statues, and demanding U.S. military bases be renamed do not have a limiting principle. They don’t distinguish between those who fought for freedom against the British Empire and those who fought for union against the slave states of the South. To them, the Union itself was a crime against humanity long before the South seceded. What kind of moral monster would ever fight to preserve it?"
This is why, when someone said they didn't know if Obama loved this country, I said the proper words would have been "I don't know if President Obama even likes this country."  He doesn't, his nasty little acolytes don't, and they can one and all go to hell.


  1. Anonymous3:48 PM

    They are destroying history because its white history.


  2. Anonymous4:23 PM

    I always said "Obama loves his country, we just don't know which one it is".

  3. Anonymous11:21 AM

    About 12 years ago when I first retired I found out Dallas need substitute teachers and so I went through the process and was hired to teach in a South Dallas Alternative Jr. High that was a mess. Mostly black kids, some hispanic and a white kid or two.

    I had done two weeks on the Civil War including drawing Gettysburg on the whiteboard and explaining how the high ground was a good thing. I had visited there a few years before. On a Friday I got the movie Glory to show during class and worked out with another teacher to keep my group long enough to show the whole movie, we could do that on Fridays.

    I had about 18 kids in the class and tried to help them understand what we were watching but the only parts they liked were the blood and gory stuff. At one point when we stopped to talk a bit one kid asked me if they were at the Alamo and I had to say no that was a different war at a different time. What really did me in was at the very end with lots of black soldiers having been killed one young black male asked me this question. "Who's side were we on?" He had no concept that the black soldiers had been slaves and that they were fighting for the North and I realized these kids have no idea about anything beyond what they had for breakfast and lunch and what they want for supper along with maybe a chance to get a little bit of weed.
