Sunday, May 24, 2020

Yeah, getting personally slapped in the face with what these idiot 'gun safety' laws really mean

has a tendency to change minds.
His March 11 purchase of a 9mm would have been the end of the story, were it not for a political standoff over shutdown orders and background checks. Now Kane, a former supporter of gun-control measures and AR-15 bans, is frustrated by the arduous process that has denied his family a sense of security. The pandemic has made the soft-spoken software engineer an unlikely Second Amendment supporter.


  1. No sympathy, empathy, or anything else for these loons. They couldn't be troubled to actually consider the end result of what they were supporting and how it would affect them, and everyone else, now they are upset because of the restrictions. Welcome to reality, goober.

  2. I wonder what else is on his list of "I want to control you" ideas for which he hasn't given a twit about considering consequences to those he wishes to control? Odds are heavily in favor of his not having the sense of fair play to give a moment's consideration. Jerk.
