Tuesday, May 05, 2020

Well, yeah. But that doesn't panic people

and give politicians reason to increase control.
“I think we underestimated very early on the number of asymptomatic cases,” Dr. Birx said. “And I think we’re really beginning to understand there are people that get infected that those symptoms are so low-grade that they don’t even know that they’re infected.”

Throw in this
And according to Levitt, coronavirus data show that sweeping lockdown measures were an overreaction that may actually backfire.

Levitt has been analyzing the COVID-19 outbreak from a statistical perspective since January and has been remarkably accurate in his predications. The data show that the outbreak never actually grew exponentially, suggesting harsh lockdown measures, which have drastically impacted the world economy, were probably unnecessary. 


  1. Phssthpok2:59 AM

    Bubba, why you keep popping yer shotgun off at the top of them thar trees?
    Keeps the Dragons away.
    There ain't no dragons up there!
    Yer welcome.

    I predict we will see some variation of 'lockdown kept the dragons away' in the near future.

  2. Phssthpok, You'll have to give some long odds on that wager. As Jimmy said to Waco in Sahara, "That's a sucker bet." And Mrs. Wilson, for one, didn't raise no fools.

  3. Sometimes I wish emojis were more prevalent. The CYA mentality that gave us the lockdowns is always ready with a deflection to on advice from authority. Said authority is never held accountable of course that would be inconvenient. The bureaucratic edifice stands to be a bulwark against accountability for that is their purpose. Authority that is ordained from on high and unquestionable. The CDC, the FDA, the DEA, most any regulatory agency you can name assumes they are the sole bulwark against mass death. The arrogance and hubris is strong with the petty tyrants.
